
Tuesday 1 January 2019

My bird/By Moonlight/Hope you like it/(:

                                           Done by Moonlight Moala

1 comment:

  1. Hi Moonlight,

    It's Leslie here, a member of the Summer Learning Journey team.

    You've used your imagination for this activity, I see. You're thinking of a big bird that can swim and carry you through the air. Fun!!

    Unfortunately, Moonlight, this activity is asking you to do something quite different than what you've done. You're asked to look at a website called 'Bird of the Year' which shows us birds that are native to New Zealand. Then you're asked to choose one of those and to give information about where it lives, what it eats etc.

    Again, I think it might be helpful for you to read the activity description over 2 times before you start. Or you could have someone in your family read it over with you so that it's more understandable for you.

    I'm very glad you're participating in the Summer Learning Journey program this summer. I hope you're enjoying it.




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